NYU Chromatin Club

The NYU Chromatin Club is a cross-departmental platform, where chromatin-related research groups across NYU Physics, Biology and Chemistry Depts. as well as NYU Medical Center discuss their research with regular presentations also by guest speakers from other universities. The Club has been held since September 2014 and is currently in its 8th year. At every meeting we have two talks by PIs, postdocs or graduate students from participating labs. The talks are 25 min long followed by a discussion.

Upcoming Meetings

  • April 25th, 2025                                                                                                                                    Zoom, 3pm                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Kumiko Samejima (Earnshaw Lab, University of Edinburgh)                                                                Title: Navigating the Rules: Cohesins, Condensins, and the Assembly of Mitotic Chromosomes                                                                                                                                                                    Aayush Kant (Shenoy Lab, UPenn)                                                                                                        Title: How Do Chemo-Mechanical Forces Drive Chromatin Reorganization

Past meetings 2024/2025

  • January 31st, 2025
    Zoom, 3pm

    Evdokiia Potolitsyna (Riback Lab, Baylor College of Medicine)
    Title: Large-Scale 3D Genome Organization Defines Nucleolar Position and Form

    Lucy Brennan (Karpen Lab, UC Berkeley)
    Title: Heterochromatin Miscibility is Governed by a Hierarchy of HP1a Interaction Modes
  • December 6th, 2024
    Zoom, 3pm

    Brian Chan (Rubinstein Lab, Duke University)
    Title: Nonequilibrium Active Loop Extrusion Model of Chromatin Organization in Interphase 

    Yulia Gromova (Kleckner Lab, Harvard University)
    Title: A DNA Origami Nanosensor for Detecting Mechanical Stress in Chromosomes    
  • October 18th, 2024
    Zoom, 3pm

    Alexis Clavijo (Zidovska Lab, NYU)
    Title: Transcription-Dependent Mobility of Single Genes and Genome-Wide Motions in Live Human Cells

    Sumitabha Brahmachari (Onuchic Lab, Rice University)
    Title: Co-Replication Segregation of Bacterial Chromosomes

Past meetings 2023/2024

  • Friday April 26th, 2024                                                                                                                  
    Zoom, 3pm                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Zilong Li (Schlick Lab, NYU)                                                                                                               
    Title: Hi-BDiSCO: Folding 3D Mesoscale Genome Structures from Hi-C Data using Brownian Dynamics                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Scott Weady (Flatiron Institute)                                                                                                            Title: Conformations, Correlations, and Instabilities of a Flexible Fiber in an Active Fluid     
  • Friday, February 23, 2024                                                                                                                 Zoom, 3pm                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Yoonji Kim (Brangwynne Lab, Princeton University)                                                                            Title: Restructuring the Genome Using Capillary Forces                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Marina Feric (Feric Lab, Penn State University)                                                                                Title: Flow of Gene Expression Across Mitochondrial Condensates
  • Friday, November 10, 2023                                                                                                           
    Zoom, 3pm                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
    Sucheol Shin (UT Austin, Thirumalai Lab)                                                                                          Title: Transcription-Induced Active Forces Suppress Chromatin Motion                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
    Isabel Goronzy (Caltech, Guttman Lab)
                                                                                                  Title: Elucidating the Structure-Function Relationships of the Mammalian Genome
  • Friday, September 29, 2023
    Zoom, 3pm

    Daniel SW Lee (UC Berkeley,  Fletcher Lab)
    Title: The Mechanical Interplay of Chromatin and Liquid-Like Nuclear Condensates

    Maelle Locatelli (UNC Chapel Hill,  Bloom Lab) 
    Title: Chromatin Mobility is Altered by DNA Damage and is Determinant for DNA Repair

Past meetings 2021/2022

  • Friday, April 22, 2022
    Zoom, 3pm

    Anna Lappala (Harvard University, Lee Lab)
    Title: Combining Chromosome Dynamics, Knot Theory & High Performance Computing

    Veer Keizer (NIH, Larson Lab) 
    Title: Chromatin Micromanipulation in Live Cells
  • Friday, February 4, 2022
    Zoom, 3pm 

    Shirin Bahmanyar (Yale University, Bahmanyar Lab) 
    Title: Coupling lipid synthesis with nuclear envelope and ER dynamics
  • Friday, November 12, 2021
    Zoom, 3pm

    Davit Potoyan (Iowa State University, Potoyan Lab)
    Title: Mesoscale Models of Nuclear Chromatin Organization and Dynamics  

    Yaojun Zhang (Princeton University, Wingreen Lab)
    Title: Mechanical Frustration of Phase Separation in the Cell Nucleus by Chromatin
  • Friday, September 24, 2021
    Zoom, 3pm  

    Iraj Eshghi (NYU Physics, Zidovska Lab)  
    Title: Interphase Chromatin Undergoes a Local Sol-Gel Transition upon Cell Differentiation

    Achal Mahajan (UC San Diego, Saintillan Lab)  
    Title: Activity in the Nucleus Enhances Segregation and Compaction of Heterochromatin

Past meetings 2020/2021

  • Tuesday, April 6, 2021 
    Zoom, 5pm 

    Aristotelis Tsirigos (NYU School of Medicine, Tsirigos Lab)    
    Title: The Reorganization of the 3D Genome in Acute Leukemia  

    Ranya Virk (Northwestern University, Backman Lab) 
    Title: Nanoscale Chromatin Imaging and Analysis (nano-ChIA) Platform Bridges 4D Chromatin Organization with Molecular Function
  • Tuesday, February 9, 2021
    Zoom, 5pm

    Shana Elbaum-Garfinkle (CUNY, Elbaum-Garfinkle Lab)
    Title: Tunable Multiphase Dynamics of Arginine and Lysine Liquid Condensates

    Jun Kim (NYU Biology, Ercan Lab)
    Title: The Role of Topoisomerase II on 3D Organization of DNA in C. Elegans
  • Tuesday, November 17, 2020 
    Zoom, 5pm

    Timothee Lionnet (NYU School of Medicine, Lionnet Lab)  
    Title: Spatiotemporal Chromatin Dynamics 

    Stefjord Todolli (Rutgers University, Olson Lab)  
    Title: A New Twist in the Relationship Between Nucleosomes and Chromatin Fiber Architecture
  • Tuesday, September 29, 2020 
    Zoom, 5pm

    Alexandre Morozov (Rutgers Univesity, Morozov Lab)                                                                     Title: Statistical Mechanics of Nucleosome Positioning 
          Samuel Bowerman (University of Colorado, Boulder, Luger Lab) 
          Title: Histones and the Art of Archaeal Chromatin Compaction

Past meetings 2019/2020

  • Thursday, April 23, 2020 -- Postponed to a later date --
    Zoom, 5pm

    Timothee Lionnet (NYU School of Medicine, Lionnet Lab)   
    Title: TBA

    Stefjord Todolli (Rutgers University, Olson Lab) 
    Title: TBA
  • Thursday, February 13th, 2020
    Special CSMR seminar 

    Geoff Fudenberg (Gladstone Institute, UCSF)
    Title: Genomes in 3D: Connecting Structure and Function
  • Thursday, October 31, 2019
    CGSB 805, 5pm  

    Viviana Risca (Rockefeller University, Risca Lab)  
    Title: Probing Short-Range Chromatin Fiber Folding and Nucleosome Occupancy with a Minimally Invasive Approach

    Jonah Eaton (NYU Physics, Zidovska Lab)
    Title: Structural and Dynamical Signatures of Local DNA Damage in Live Cells

Past meetings 2018/2019

  • Thursday, April 25th, 2019
    CGSB 805, 5pm

    Oleg Krichevsky (Ben-Gurion University, Israel, Krichevsky Lab)
    Title: DNA as an Exemplary Polymer

    Amy Strom (Princeton University, Brangwynne Lab)
    Title: Phase Separation Drives Heterochromatin Domain Formation
  • Thursday, February 21, 2019
    CGSB 805, 5pm

    Simona Giunta (Rockefeller University, Funabiki Lab)
    Title: Maintenance of Centromere DNA Stability in Human Cells

    Iwen Fu (NYU Biology, Broyde Lab)
    Title: Impact of a Single Ribonucleotide Incorporated in the Nucleosome
  • Thursday, December 13, 2018
    CGSB 805, 5pm

    Christina Caragine (NYU Physics, Zidovska Lab)
    Title: Surface Fluctuations and Coalescence of Nucleolar Droplets in the Human Cell Nucleus

    Chao Lu (Columbia University, Lu Lab)
    Title: A Chromatin Trans-Regulatory Pathway Implicated in Developmental and Neoplastic Overgrowth

Past Meetings 2017/2018

  • Thursday, April 26, 2018
    CGSB 805, 5pm

    Yandong Daniel Yin (NYU School of Medicine, Rothenberg Lab)
    Title: Super-Resolution Imaging Analyses of DNA Replication Stress Response of ATR

    Matthew Paul (NYU Biology, Ercan Lab)
    Title: Condensin Instructs Global Genome Organization and Gene Expression in S. Cerevisiae
  • Thursday, February 22, 2018
    CGSB 805, 5pm

    Effie Apostolou (Weill Cornell Medicine, Apostolou Lab)
    Title: Role of Chromatin Architecture in the Establishment and Maintenance of Pluripotency
  • Thursday, November 9, 2017
    CGSB 805, 5pm

    Fang-Yi Chu (NYU Physics, Zidovska Lab)
    Title: On The Origin of Shape Fluctuations of the Cell Nucleus

    Francisca Lottersberger (Rockefeller University, DeLange Lab)
    Title: DSBs Mobility and DNA Repair: 53BP1, the LINC Complex and Microtubules

Past Meetings 2016/2017

  • Thursday, May 4, 2017
    CGSB 805, 5pm

    Pedro Pereira Da Rocha (NYU School of Medicine, Skok Lab)
    Title: Keeping the House in Order: The Role of Nuclear Organization in Maintaining Genome Stability, Somatic Recombination and Gene Regulation.

    David Jimenez (NYU Biology, Ercan Lab)
    Title: Spreading Features of the C. Elegans Condensin-like Dosage Compensation Complex.
  • Thursday, Feb 23, 2017
    CGSB 805, 5pm

    Qianhua Dong (NYU Biology, Li Lab)
    Title: Ccp1 Homodimer Mediates Chromatin Integrity by Antagonizing CENP-A Loading

    Andres Mansisidor (NYU Biology, Hochwagen Lab)
    Title: The Unexpected Dynamics of Extrachromosomal Circular Chromatin
  • Thursday, November 10, 2016 
    CGSB 805, 5pm

    Simeon Carstens (NYU Physics, Zidovska Lab)
    Title: Bayesian Determination of Static Chromatin Structure from Hi-C data and DCS Studies of Chromatin Dynamics in ESCs and Derived Neurons

    Viji Subramanian (NYU Biology, Hochwagen Lab)
    Title: Control of DNA Breakage and Repair in Meiosis

Past Meetings 2015/2016

  • Thursday, May 5, 2016
    CGSB 805, 5pm

    Amanda Amodeo (Lewis Sigler Institute, Princeton University, Amodeo Lab)
    Title: Histone Levels and the Mid-Blastula Transition: How Titration of Histones May Regulate Developmental Timing

    Joseph Osmudson (NYU Biology, Smith Lab)
    Title: Genome Wide Analysis of Pif1-Family Helicases' Role in Replication Fork Progression
  • Thursday, February 25, 2016
    CGSB 805, 5pm

    Liam Holt (NYU Langone Medical Center, Holt Lab)
    Title: The Major SWI/SNF Polyglutamine Domain Enables Transcriptional Reprogramming in Response to a Transient pH Change

    David Corrales (NYU Biology, Li Lab)
    Title: The Right Place at the Right Time: Transcriptional Regulation of CENP-A During the Cell Cycle
  • Thursday, November 19, 2015
    CGSB 805, 5pm

    Tamar Schlick, Gavin Bascom and Gungor Ozer (NYU Chemistry, Schlick Lab)
    Title: Mesoscale Modeling and Simulation of the Chromatin Fiber

Past Meetings 2014/2015

  • Thursday, May 14, 2015
    CGSB 805, 5pm

    Jayashree Kumar (NYU Biology, Smith Lab)
    Title: The Role of Pif1 Family Helicases on Replication Fork Progression in S. Cerevisiae

    Kirsten Edepli (Mount Sinai, Edepli Lab)
    Title: Epigenetic Damage Control in Embryogenesis and Cancer: Lessons From Zebrafish
  • Thursday, March 12, 2015
    CGSB 805, 5pm

    Anna-Lena Kranz (NYU Biology, Ercan Lab)
    Title: Regulation of X Chromosome Chromatin Structure in C. Elegans

    Haijin He (NYU Biology, Li Lab)
    Title: Regulation of Position Effect in Tandem DNA Repeats in Fission Yeast
  • Thursday, November 20, 2014
    CGSB 805, 5pm

    Alexandra Zidovska (NYU Physics, Zidovska Lab) 
    Title: Mechanism and Function of Positional Fluctuations of Interphase Chromatin

    Neil Humphryes (NYU Biology, Hochwagen Lab)
    Title: dHJ-C, a Tool for Genome-Wide Mapping Homologous Recombination Intermediates and Repair Template Choice During Meiosis

Alexandra Zidovska Lab
Center for Soft Matter Research
Department of Physics
New York University

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