Emails: OR
Jun Zhang: Professor of Physics and Mathematics, works on various fluid problems that are
motivated by biological or geophysical phenomena. He also works on problems that relate to
pattern formation, smart materials and self-organization. He is currently the co-director of the
Applied Math Lab at Courant Institute, and the co-director of NYUSH-ECNU Joint Physics
Research Institute. In 2017, he was elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS).
In 2024, he was honored with election as a Foreign Member of the Academia Europaea (MAE).

Lab members and visitors in year 2011:
The lab members and visitors in 2013. Left to right: Jun Zhang, Ehssan Nazockdast, Teddy Katz, Hassan Masoud, Mike Shelley, Fang Fang, Steve Childress, Kela Lushi, Leif Ristroph, Trush Majmudar, Tony Gao, Natalie Agre, Adam Stinchcombe, Dylan Bargteil, Nick Moore, Jacob Bedrossian, Aaron Rosenthal, Eric DeGiuli
The lab members and visitors in 2011. Here is a list of names, from left to right: Trush Majmudar (postdoc), Caroline Goblet (visitor), Steve Childress, Tamar Shinar (postdoc), Jeremie Palacci (postdoc, phys), Jun Zhang, Mike Shelley, Nick Moore (postdoc), Leif Ristroph (postdoc), Adam Stinchcombe (grad.), Eric Keaveny (postdoc), Daisuke Takagi (postdoc)

Lab members in year 2005:
(Photo credit: S. E. Spagnolie) The lab members in 2005. The lab is booming now! Here is a list of names, from left to right: Kathleen Mareck (under), Bin Liu (grad), Jin-qiang Zhong (grad), Tom Bringley (grad), Erica Kim (under), Steve Childress (fac), Mike Shelley (fac), Lionel Rosellini (grad), Jun Zhang (fac), Gonzague de la Hautire (under), Karishma Parikh (under) and Sunny Jung (postd).

(click on name to go to individual home pages)
Stephen Childress
Albert Libchaber
Michael Shelley


Leif Ristroph: Associate Prof. at NYU Math works on problems in biolocomotion and erosion
email: email to be updated
Leif's Website
Billy Shinevar: Was high-school student (2010- ) working at the AML as a research intern
email: email to be updated
Billy's Website
Nick Moore: Assist. Prof. (2014-) worked at the AML, who studies structure-fluid
interaction in complex fluids
email: email to be updated
Nick's Website
Daisuke Takagi: Assist. Prof (2013- ) worked at the AML, who studies the collective
dynamics of nano-particles
email: email to be updated
Daisuke's Website
Trushant Majmudar: Postdoctoral fellow (2009- 2013) worked at the AML, who studies the
locomoting dynamics of animals
email: email to be updated
Trush's Website
Eric Keaveny: Postdoctoral fellow (2011- ) worked at the AML (with Mike Shelley), who studies
the locomoting dynamics of animals
email: email to be updated
Eric's Website
Bin Liu: Formerly our graduate student, was a postdoctoral fellow (2007-2010)
working at the AML, who studied the dynamics of complex fluid.
email: bl413 {at}
Bin Liu's Website
Teis Schnipper: Visiting Ph.D. student from DTU, Denmark in year 2009-2010, who worked
on downstream drafting of flexible structures.
Teis' Website
Annie Weathers: Formerly our undergraduate student, worked with us on hovering paper bug and she was a lead author of a JFM paper.
email: annie.weathers {at}
Annie Weathers' Website
Lionel Moret: Postdoctoral Fellow (2007-2008), who studied the characteristics of a flapping wing.
email: moret {at}
Benjamin Thiria: Postdoctoral Fellow (2007-2008), who studied the interaction between flexible airfoils and its forward flight.
email: thiria {at}
Sunny Jung: Postdoctoral Fellow (2005-2007), who studied the dynamics of free boundaries in unsteady fluids, and the swimming of C. elegans.
email: sunnyjsh {at}
Jin-Qiang Zhong: Graduate student (2003-2006), who studied the dynamics of free boundaries subject to thermal convective fluids, and the implication in geophysics (continental drift). He got his B.S. degree from Fudan University.
email: jz366 {at}
Jin-qiang Zhong's Website
Bin Liu: Graduate student (2004-2006) who studied how a cluster of freely-moving objects affects high Rayleigh number thermal convection. He got his B.S. degree from Fudan University.
email: bl413 {at}
Lorraine H. Robinson: Undergraduate student, Physics, NYU, Lab assistant/web designer.
email: lorr {at}
Lionel Rosellini:visiting research fellow (2005), working on flapping flight.
email: lionel.rosellini {at}
Nicolas Vandenberghe: Postdoct fellow (2002-2004), working in the Applied Math lab at Courant, who works on the dynamics of flags, flapping of wings that leads to forward flight.
email: vandenbe {at}
Adam R. Cone: Undergraduate student (2003-2004) who works on thin jets on a 2D fluid substrate, he is now doing his Ph.D at UCLA.
email: arc239 {at}
Jonathan Kamler: A high school student from Queens at the time when he worked in the lab (2002). He tried to create a siphon of soap film that is open to the atmosphere. Now he's at Harvard studying physics.
Julien Psaute: Undergraduate student (2003) from Ecole Polytechnique in Paris. He continued with the effort in building a fluid siphon and he made it work reliably.
email: julien {at}