cv::Mat_< _Tp > Class Template Reference

#include <core.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for cv::Mat_< _Tp >:

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef DataType< _Tp >
typedef MatConstIterator_< _Tp > const_iterator
typedef MatIterator_< _Tp > iterator
typedef _Tp value_type

Public Member Functions

Mat_adjustROI (int dtop, int dbottom, int dleft, int dright)
 moves/resizes the current matrix ROI inside the parent matrix.
const_iterator begin () const
iterator begin ()
 iterators; they are smart enough to skip gaps in the end of rows
int channels () const
 returns element type, similar to CV_MAT_CN(cvmat->type)
Mat_ clone () const
 returns deep copy of the matrix, i.e. the data is copied
Mat_ col (int x) const
 returns a new matrix header for the specified column
void create (int _ndims, const int *_sizes)
 equivalent to Mat::create(_ndims, _sizes, DatType<_Tp>::type)
void create (Size _size)
 equivalent to Mat::create(_size, DataType<_Tp>::type)
void create (int _rows, int _cols)
 equivalent to Mat::create(_rows, _cols, DataType<_Tp>::type)
Mat_ cross (const Mat_ &m) const
int depth () const
 returns element type, similar to CV_MAT_DEPTH(cvmat->type)
Mat_ diag (int d=0) const
 ... for the specified diagonal
size_t elemSize () const
 overridden forms of Mat::elemSize() etc.
size_t elemSize1 () const
 returns the size of element channel in bytes.
const_iterator end () const
iterator end ()
 Mat_ (const MatCommaInitializer_< _Tp > &commaInitializer)
 Mat_ (const Point3_< typename DataType< _Tp >::channel_type > &pt, bool copyData=true)
 Mat_ (const Point_< typename DataType< _Tp >::channel_type > &pt, bool copyData=true)
template<int m, int n>
 Mat_ (const Matx< typename DataType< _Tp >::channel_type, m, n > &mtx, bool copyData=true)
template<int n>
 Mat_ (const Vec< typename DataType< _Tp >::channel_type, n > &vec, bool copyData=true)
 Mat_ (const vector< _Tp > &vec, bool copyData=false)
 makes a matrix out of Vec, std::vector, Point_ or Point3_. The matrix will have a single column
 Mat_ (const Mat_ &m, const Range *ranges)
 selects a submatrix, n-dim version
 Mat_ (const Mat_ &m, const Rect &roi)
 selects a submatrix
 Mat_ (const Mat_ &m, const Range &rowRange, const Range &colRange=Range::all())
 selects a submatrix
 Mat_ (int _ndims, const int *_sizes, _Tp *_data, const size_t *_steps=0)
 constructs n-dim matrix on top of user-allocated data. steps are in bytes(!!!), regardless of the type
 Mat_ (int _rows, int _cols, _Tp *_data, size_t _step=AUTO_STEP)
 constructs a matrix on top of user-allocated data. step is in bytes(!!!), regardless of the type
 Mat_ (const Mat_ &m)
 copy constructor
 Mat_ (const Mat &m)
 copy/conversion contructor. If m is of different type, it's converted
 Mat_ (int _ndims, const int *_sizes, const _Tp &value)
 n-dim array constructor that sets each matrix element to specified value
 Mat_ (int _ndims, const int *_sizes)
 n-dim array constructor
 Mat_ (Size _size, const _Tp &value)
 constructor that sets each matrix element to specified value
 Mat_ (Size _size)
 equivalent to Mat(_size, DataType<_Tp>::type)
 Mat_ (int _rows, int _cols, const _Tp &value)
 constructor that sets each matrix element to specified value
 Mat_ (int _rows, int _cols)
 equivalent to Mat(_rows, _cols, DataType<_Tp>::type)
 Mat_ ()
 default constructor
template<typename T2 >
 operator Mat_< T2 > () const
 data type conversion
template<int m, int n>
 operator Matx< typename DataType< _Tp >::channel_type, m, n > () const
 conversion to Matx
template<int n>
 operator Vec< typename DataType< _Tp >::channel_type, n > () const
 conversion to Vec
 operator vector< _Tp > () const
 conversion to vector.
const _Tp & operator() (Point pt) const
_Tp & operator() (Point pt)
const _Tp & operator() (int idx0, int idx1, int idx2) const
 returns read-only reference to the specified element (3D case)
_Tp & operator() (int idx0, int idx1, int idx2)
 returns reference to the specified element (3D case)
const _Tp & operator() (int idx0, int idx1) const
 returns read-only reference to the specified element (2D case)
_Tp & operator() (int idx0, int idx1)
 returns reference to the specified element (2D case)
const _Tp & operator() (int idx0) const
 returns read-only reference to the specified element (1D case)
_Tp & operator() (int idx0)
 returns reference to the specified element (1D case)
template<int n>
const _Tp & operator() (const Vec< int, n > &idx) const
 returns read-only reference to the specified element
template<int n>
_Tp & operator() (const Vec< int, n > &idx)
 returns reference to the specified element
const _Tp & operator() (const int *idx) const
 returns read-only reference to the specified element
_Tp & operator() (const int *idx)
 returns reference to the specified element
Mat_ operator() (const Range *ranges) const
Mat_ operator() (const Rect &roi) const
Mat_ operator() (const Range &rowRange, const Range &colRange) const
Mat_operator= (const MatExpr &expr)
 to support complex matrix expressions
Mat_operator= (const _Tp &s)
 set all the elements to s.
Mat_operator= (const Mat_ &m)
Mat_operator= (const Mat &m)
 assignment operators
const _Tp * operator[] (int y) const
_Tp * operator[] (int y)
 more convenient forms of row and element access operators
Mat_ reshape (int _rows) const
 some more overriden methods
Mat_ row (int y) const
 overridden forms of Mat::row() etc.
size_t step1 (int i=0) const
 returns step/elemSize1()
size_t stepT (int i=0) const
 returns step()/sizeof(_Tp)
int type () const
 returns element type, similar to CV_MAT_TYPE(cvmat->type)

Static Public Member Functions

static MatExpr eye (Size size)
static MatExpr eye (int rows, int cols)
static MatExpr ones (int _ndims, const int *_sizes)
static MatExpr ones (Size size)
static MatExpr ones (int rows, int cols)
static MatExpr zeros (int _ndims, const int *_sizes)
static MatExpr zeros (Size size)
static MatExpr zeros (int rows, int cols)
 overridden forms of Mat::zeros() etc. Data type is omitted, of course

Detailed Description

template<typename _Tp>
class cv::Mat_< _Tp >

Template matrix class derived from Mat

The class Mat_ is a "thin" template wrapper on top of cv::Mat. It does not have any extra data fields, nor it or cv::Mat have any virtual methods and thus references or pointers to these two classes can be safely converted one to another. But do it with care, for example:

 // create 100x100 8-bit matrix
 Mat M(100,100,CV_8U);
 // this will compile fine. no any data conversion will be done.
 Mat_<float>& M1 = (Mat_<float>&)M;
 // the program will likely crash at the statement below
 M1(99,99) = 1.f;

While cv::Mat is sufficient in most cases, cv::Mat_ can be more convenient if you use a lot of element access operations and if you know matrix type at compile time. Note that cv::Mat::at<_Tp>(int y, int x) and cv::Mat_<_Tp>::operator ()(int y, int x) do absolutely the same thing and run at the same speed, but the latter is certainly shorter:

 Mat_<double> M(20,20);
 for(int i = 0; i < M.rows; i++)
    for(int j = 0; j < M.cols; j++)
       M(i,j) = 1./(i+j+1);
 Mat E, V;
 cout <<<double>(0,0)/<double>(M.rows-1,0);

It is easy to use Mat_ for multi-channel images/matrices - just pass cv::Vec as cv::Mat_ template parameter:

 // allocate 320x240 color image and fill it with green (in RGB space)
 Mat_<Vec3b> img(240, 320, Vec3b(0,255,0));
 // now draw a diagonal white line
 for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
 // and now modify the 2nd (red) channel of each pixel
 for(int i = 0; i < img.rows; i++)
    for(int j = 0; j < img.cols; j++)
       img(i,j)[2] ^= (uchar)(i ^ j); // img(y,x)[c] accesses c-th channel of the pixel (x,y)

Member Typedef Documentation

template<typename _Tp>
typedef DataType<_Tp>::channel_type cv::Mat_< _Tp >::channel_type
template<typename _Tp>
typedef MatConstIterator_<_Tp> cv::Mat_< _Tp >::const_iterator
template<typename _Tp>
typedef MatIterator_<_Tp> cv::Mat_< _Tp >::iterator
template<typename _Tp>
typedef _Tp cv::Mat_< _Tp >::value_type

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename _Tp >
cv::Mat_< _Tp >::Mat_ (  )  [inline]

default constructor

template<typename _Tp >
cv::Mat_< _Tp >::Mat_ ( int  _rows,
int  _cols 
) [inline]

equivalent to Mat(_rows, _cols, DataType<_Tp>::type)

template<typename _Tp >
cv::Mat_< _Tp >::Mat_ ( int  _rows,
int  _cols,
const _Tp &  value 
) [inline]

constructor that sets each matrix element to specified value

template<typename _Tp >
cv::Mat_< _Tp >::Mat_ ( Size  _size  )  [inline, explicit]

equivalent to Mat(_size, DataType<_Tp>::type)

template<typename _Tp >
cv::Mat_< _Tp >::Mat_ ( Size  _size,
const _Tp &  value 
) [inline]

constructor that sets each matrix element to specified value

template<typename _Tp >
cv::Mat_< _Tp >::Mat_ ( int  _ndims,
const int *  _sizes 
) [inline]

n-dim array constructor

template<typename _Tp >
cv::Mat_< _Tp >::Mat_ ( int  _ndims,
const int *  _sizes,
const _Tp &  value 
) [inline]

n-dim array constructor that sets each matrix element to specified value

template<typename _Tp >
cv::Mat_< _Tp >::Mat_ ( const Mat m  )  [inline]

copy/conversion contructor. If m is of different type, it's converted

template<typename _Tp >
cv::Mat_< _Tp >::Mat_ ( const Mat_< _Tp > &  m  )  [inline]

copy constructor

template<typename _Tp >
cv::Mat_< _Tp >::Mat_ ( int  _rows,
int  _cols,
_Tp *  _data,
size_t  _step = AUTO_STEP 
) [inline]

constructs a matrix on top of user-allocated data. step is in bytes(!!!), regardless of the type

template<typename _Tp>
cv::Mat_< _Tp >::Mat_ ( int  _ndims,
const int *  _sizes,
_Tp *  _data,
const size_t *  _steps = 0 

constructs n-dim matrix on top of user-allocated data. steps are in bytes(!!!), regardless of the type

template<typename _Tp >
cv::Mat_< _Tp >::Mat_ ( const Mat_< _Tp > &  m,
const Range rowRange,
const Range colRange = Range::all() 
) [inline]

selects a submatrix

template<typename _Tp >
cv::Mat_< _Tp >::Mat_ ( const Mat_< _Tp > &  m,
const Rect roi 
) [inline]

selects a submatrix

template<typename _Tp >
cv::Mat_< _Tp >::Mat_ ( const Mat_< _Tp > &  m,
const Range ranges 
) [inline]

selects a submatrix, n-dim version

template<typename _Tp >
cv::Mat_< _Tp >::Mat_ ( const vector< _Tp > &  vec,
bool  copyData = false 
) [inline, explicit]

makes a matrix out of Vec, std::vector, Point_ or Point3_. The matrix will have a single column

template<typename _Tp >
template<int n>
cv::Mat_< _Tp >::Mat_ ( const Vec< typename DataType< _Tp >::channel_type, n > &  vec,
bool  copyData = true 
) [inline, explicit]
template<typename _Tp >
template<int m, int n>
cv::Mat_< _Tp >::Mat_ ( const Matx< typename DataType< _Tp >::channel_type, m, n > &  mtx,
bool  copyData = true 
) [inline, explicit]
template<typename _Tp >
cv::Mat_< _Tp >::Mat_ ( const Point_< typename DataType< _Tp >::channel_type > &  pt,
bool  copyData = true 
) [inline, explicit]
template<typename _Tp >
cv::Mat_< _Tp >::Mat_ ( const Point3_< typename DataType< _Tp >::channel_type > &  pt,
bool  copyData = true 
) [inline, explicit]
template<typename _Tp >
cv::Mat_< _Tp >::Mat_ ( const MatCommaInitializer_< _Tp > &  commaInitializer  )  [inline, explicit]

Member Function Documentation

template<typename _Tp >
Mat_< _Tp > & cv::Mat_< _Tp >::adjustROI ( int  dtop,
int  dbottom,
int  dleft,
int  dright 
) [inline]

moves/resizes the current matrix ROI inside the parent matrix.

Reimplemented from cv::Mat.

template<typename _Tp >
MatConstIterator_< _Tp > cv::Mat_< _Tp >::begin (  )  const [inline]

Reimplemented from cv::Mat.

template<typename _Tp >
MatIterator_< _Tp > cv::Mat_< _Tp >::begin (  )  [inline]

iterators; they are smart enough to skip gaps in the end of rows

Reimplemented from cv::Mat.

template<typename _Tp >
int cv::Mat_< _Tp >::channels (  )  const [inline]

returns element type, similar to CV_MAT_CN(cvmat->type)

Reimplemented from cv::Mat.

template<typename _Tp >
Mat_< _Tp > cv::Mat_< _Tp >::clone (  )  const [inline]

returns deep copy of the matrix, i.e. the data is copied

Reimplemented from cv::Mat.

template<typename _Tp >
Mat_< _Tp > cv::Mat_< _Tp >::col ( int  x  )  const [inline]

returns a new matrix header for the specified column

Reimplemented from cv::Mat.

template<typename _Tp >
void cv::Mat_< _Tp >::create ( int  _ndims,
const int *  _sizes 
) [inline]

equivalent to Mat::create(_ndims, _sizes, DatType<_Tp>::type)

template<typename _Tp >
void cv::Mat_< _Tp >::create ( Size  _size  )  [inline]

equivalent to Mat::create(_size, DataType<_Tp>::type)

template<typename _Tp >
void cv::Mat_< _Tp >::create ( int  _rows,
int  _cols 
) [inline]

equivalent to Mat::create(_rows, _cols, DataType<_Tp>::type)

template<typename _Tp >
Mat_< _Tp > cv::Mat_< _Tp >::cross ( const Mat_< _Tp > &  m  )  const [inline]


template<typename _Tp >
int cv::Mat_< _Tp >::depth (  )  const [inline]

returns element type, similar to CV_MAT_DEPTH(cvmat->type)

Reimplemented from cv::Mat.

template<typename _Tp >
Mat_< _Tp > cv::Mat_< _Tp >::diag ( int  d = 0  )  const [inline]

... for the specified diagonal

Reimplemented from cv::Mat.

template<typename _Tp >
size_t cv::Mat_< _Tp >::elemSize (  )  const [inline]

overridden forms of Mat::elemSize() etc.

Reimplemented from cv::Mat.

template<typename _Tp >
size_t cv::Mat_< _Tp >::elemSize1 (  )  const [inline]

returns the size of element channel in bytes.

Reimplemented from cv::Mat.

template<typename _Tp >
MatConstIterator_< _Tp > cv::Mat_< _Tp >::end (  )  const [inline]

Reimplemented from cv::Mat.

template<typename _Tp >
MatIterator_< _Tp > cv::Mat_< _Tp >::end (  )  [inline]

Reimplemented from cv::Mat.

template<typename _Tp >
MatExpr cv::Mat_< _Tp >::eye ( Size  size  )  [inline, static]
template<typename _Tp >
MatExpr cv::Mat_< _Tp >::eye ( int  rows,
int  cols 
) [inline, static]
template<typename _Tp>
static MatExpr cv::Mat_< _Tp >::ones ( int  _ndims,
const int *  _sizes 
) [static]
template<typename _Tp >
MatExpr cv::Mat_< _Tp >::ones ( Size  size  )  [inline, static]
template<typename _Tp >
MatExpr cv::Mat_< _Tp >::ones ( int  rows,
int  cols 
) [inline, static]
template<typename _Tp >
template<typename T2 >
cv::Mat_< _Tp >::operator Mat_< T2 > (  )  const [inline]

data type conversion

template<typename _Tp >
template<int m, int n>
cv::Mat_< _Tp >::operator Matx< typename DataType< _Tp >::channel_type, m, n > (  )  const [inline]

conversion to Matx

template<typename _Tp >
template<int n>
cv::Mat_< _Tp >::operator Vec< typename DataType< _Tp >::channel_type, n > (  )  const [inline]

conversion to Vec

template<typename _Tp >
cv::Mat_< _Tp >::operator vector< _Tp > (  )  const [inline]

conversion to vector.

Reimplemented from cv::Mat.

template<typename _Tp >
const _Tp & cv::Mat_< _Tp >::operator() ( Point  pt  )  const [inline]
template<typename _Tp >
_Tp & cv::Mat_< _Tp >::operator() ( Point  pt  )  [inline]
template<typename _Tp >
const _Tp & cv::Mat_< _Tp >::operator() ( int  idx0,
int  idx1,
int  idx2 
) const [inline]

returns read-only reference to the specified element (3D case)

template<typename _Tp >
_Tp & cv::Mat_< _Tp >::operator() ( int  idx0,
int  idx1,
int  idx2 
) [inline]

returns reference to the specified element (3D case)

template<typename _Tp >
const _Tp & cv::Mat_< _Tp >::operator() ( int  idx0,
int  idx1 
) const [inline]

returns read-only reference to the specified element (2D case)

template<typename _Tp >
_Tp & cv::Mat_< _Tp >::operator() ( int  idx0,
int  idx1 
) [inline]

returns reference to the specified element (2D case)

template<typename _Tp >
const _Tp & cv::Mat_< _Tp >::operator() ( int  idx0  )  const [inline]

returns read-only reference to the specified element (1D case)

template<typename _Tp >
_Tp & cv::Mat_< _Tp >::operator() ( int  idx0  )  [inline]

returns reference to the specified element (1D case)

template<typename _Tp>
template<int n>
const _Tp& cv::Mat_< _Tp >::operator() ( const Vec< int, n > &  idx  )  const [inline]

returns read-only reference to the specified element

template<typename _Tp>
template<int n>
_Tp& cv::Mat_< _Tp >::operator() ( const Vec< int, n > &  idx  )  [inline]

returns reference to the specified element

template<typename _Tp >
const _Tp & cv::Mat_< _Tp >::operator() ( const int *  idx  )  const [inline]

returns read-only reference to the specified element

template<typename _Tp >
_Tp & cv::Mat_< _Tp >::operator() ( const int *  idx  )  [inline]

returns reference to the specified element

template<typename _Tp >
Mat_< _Tp > cv::Mat_< _Tp >::operator() ( const Range ranges  )  const [inline]

Reimplemented from cv::Mat.

template<typename _Tp >
Mat_< _Tp > cv::Mat_< _Tp >::operator() ( const Rect roi  )  const [inline]

Reimplemented from cv::Mat.

template<typename _Tp >
Mat_< _Tp > cv::Mat_< _Tp >::operator() ( const Range rowRange,
const Range colRange 
) const [inline]
template<typename _Tp >
Mat_< _Tp > & cv::Mat_< _Tp >::operator= ( const MatExpr expr  )  [inline]

to support complex matrix expressions

Reimplemented from cv::Mat.

template<typename _Tp >
Mat_< _Tp > & cv::Mat_< _Tp >::operator= ( const _Tp &  s  )  [inline]

set all the elements to s.

template<typename _Tp >
Mat_< _Tp > & cv::Mat_< _Tp >::operator= ( const Mat_< _Tp > &  m  )  [inline]
template<typename _Tp >
Mat_< _Tp > & cv::Mat_< _Tp >::operator= ( const Mat m  )  [inline]

assignment operators

Reimplemented from cv::Mat.

template<typename _Tp >
const _Tp * cv::Mat_< _Tp >::operator[] ( int  y  )  const [inline]
template<typename _Tp >
_Tp * cv::Mat_< _Tp >::operator[] ( int  y  )  [inline]

more convenient forms of row and element access operators

template<typename _Tp >
Mat_< _Tp > cv::Mat_< _Tp >::reshape ( int  _rows  )  const [inline]

some more overriden methods

template<typename _Tp >
Mat_< _Tp > cv::Mat_< _Tp >::row ( int  y  )  const [inline]

overridden forms of Mat::row() etc.

Reimplemented from cv::Mat.

template<typename _Tp >
size_t cv::Mat_< _Tp >::step1 ( int  i = 0  )  const [inline]

returns step/elemSize1()

Reimplemented from cv::Mat.

template<typename _Tp >
size_t cv::Mat_< _Tp >::stepT ( int  i = 0  )  const [inline]

returns step()/sizeof(_Tp)

template<typename _Tp >
int cv::Mat_< _Tp >::type (  )  const [inline]

returns element type, similar to CV_MAT_TYPE(cvmat->type)

Reimplemented from cv::Mat.

template<typename _Tp>
static MatExpr cv::Mat_< _Tp >::zeros ( int  _ndims,
const int *  _sizes 
) [static]
template<typename _Tp >
MatExpr cv::Mat_< _Tp >::zeros ( Size  size  )  [inline, static]
template<typename _Tp >
MatExpr cv::Mat_< _Tp >::zeros ( int  rows,
int  cols 
) [inline, static]

overridden forms of Mat::zeros() etc. Data type is omitted, of course

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Generated on Thu Dec 23 11:40:55 2010 for opencv by  doxygen 1.6.3