Archives for EPP @ NYU
Jesse Liu to join the NYU Physics Department
Patrick Rieck Appointed ATLAS Tau Reconstruction and Identification Working Group Convener
Outreach program on statistics and pandemics featured in DOE Science Headlines
Cranmer elected a Fellow of the APS
Ablet and Alex take on new roles
First results from milliQan demonstrator
Addressing Systemic Racism in Physics
Undergraduate Joseph Corrado publishes ATLAS paper
NYU Hosts ATLAS Software & Computing Week
Manfredi Ronzani joins The NYU group
Heinrich receives US ATLAS Outstanding Graduate Student Award
Heinrich receives Dean's Dissertation Award
Catrin Bernius featured for International Women's Day
Gilles Louppe wins AIM thesis award
Catrin Bernius honored with ATLAS Outstanding Achievement Award
Job Opening: ATLAS Postdoc at NYU
Karthik Krishnaiyengar Graduates!
Haas Leads ATLAS Simulation Group
Mincer elected as Chair of Tenured / Tenure Track Faculty Senate Council
Cranmer takes on analysis preservation
Bernius appointed to TDAQ speaker's committee
Beacham talks dark photons, open science
Our spin on the Higgs discovery
Cranmer joins Neil deGrasse Tyson & Bill Nye
New result in search for dark photons
New result in search for new force
NYU receives NSF funding for computing
Akira Shibata takes his next step
Cranmer receives NSF Career Award
NYU hosting 2009 ATLAS Physics Workshop of the Americas
Milagro result in top 10 news stories of 2008
We're featured on front page of NYU Today
Allen Mincer appointed Collegiate Professor
Cranmer leading US-ATLAS Higgs