Bruno Andreotti Université Paris Diderot |
"Sand ripples and dunes" |
Lyderic Bocquet LPMCN, Université Lyon 1 |
"The (non-) equilibrium structure of active colloidal suspensions" |
Elisabeth Bouchaud Commissariat á l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives |
"Bulk fingering instabilities in a soft solid and in a complex fluid" |
John Brady California Institute of Technology |
"Chemical swimming" |
Chase Broedersz Princeton University |
"Active stresses in fibrous networks near the edge of mechanical stability" |
Andrea Cavagna Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche |
"Maximum entropy approach to bird flocks" |
Sylvie Cohen-Addad Université Pierre et Marie Curie |
"Impact of disorder and surfactants on the relaxation dynamics of foams" |
Tom Duke London Center for Nanotechnology |
"Lamellipod propulsion by a jammed mesh of growing actin filaments" |
Doug Durian University of Pennsylvania |
"Unsteadiness and dynamical heterogeneities in dense granular materials" |
Emmanuel Farge Institut Curie |
"Mechanotransduction in early embryogenesis and evolution: mechanisms and origins of primary invagination and endo-mesoderm differentiation in early muti-cellular epithelia." |
Daniel Fletcher University of California, Berkeley |
"Coupling mechanics and biochemistry in filaments and membranes" |
Yoel Forterre Université de Provence IUSTI |
"Dense granular flows as a self-activated process" |
Thomas Gregor Princeton University |
"Emergence of collective behavior in developing cell populations of social amoebae" |
Josef Kas University of Leipzig |
"Are fundamental changes in a cell's material properties necessary for tumor progression?" |
L. Mahadevan Harvard University |
"Motion and stasis in cellular suspensions and self-propelled swarms" |
Craig Maloney Carnegie Mellon University |
"Diffusion in soft particle suspensions near jamming" |
Lisa Manning Syracuse University |
"Emergent mechanical behavior in embryonic tissues" |
Cristina Marchetti Syracuse University |
"Jamming and phase separation of dense active matter" |
David Pine New York University |
"Reversibility in sheared suspensions" |
Olivier Pouliquen Université de Provence IUSTI |
"Rheology of very dense suspensions" |
Cecile Sykes Institut Curie |
"Mimicking systems of cell shape changes" |
Virgile Viasnoff CR1 CNRS/ESPCI ParisTech, Mechanobiology Institute, Singapore |
"Cell doublets and Janus particles" |
George Whitesides Harvard University |
"Dynamic self-assembly" |
Jun Zhang New York University |
"Interaction between moving structures in a fluid: drafting and inverted drafting" |