Alexander Grosberg
Professor of Physics

Doctor of Sciences 1982 (Physics & Mathematics), Moscow State University
Ph.D. 1975 (Physics), Institute for Physical Problems
M.Sc 1972 (Physics), Moscow State University

Office Location:
Room 881
726 Broadway

Mailing Address:
New York University
Department of Physics
726 Broadway
New York, NY 10003

Contact Information:
Phone: (212) 992-9574
Fax: (212) 995-4016
Email: ayg1 at

List of Publications in pdf format
Alexander Grosberg

Watee Srinin

Watee Srinin
Michael Wang

Michael Wang

A. Zhestkov
PhD 1980, Professor, Physics, Chelyabinsk University, Russia

E. Shakhnovich
PhD 1981, Professor, Chemistry, Harvard University

S. Nechaev
PhD 1987, CR1, Institute de Physique Nucleaire, Orsay, France

D. Kuznetsov
PhD 1987, Vice-President, Intellidyn, Boston, MA

E. Kaganova
PhD 1989, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA

D. Pakhomov
PhD 1989, Research manager, Pharmaceutical Company, Moscow

I. Gabashvili
PhD 1991, Ingenuity Systems; Adjunct Professor, San Jose State University

N. Khrustova
PhD 1994, Leading Researcher, Inst. Biochemical Physics, Moscow

V. Pande
PhD 1995, Professor, Chemistry, Stanford University

R. Du
PhD 1999, (+ MD 2000) Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School; Director of Cerebrovascular Surgery, Brigham&Women's Hospital

J. Chuang
PhD 2002, Professor, Biology, University of Connecticut

R. Lua
PhD 2005, Postdoctoral fellow, Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas

N. Moore
PhD 2006, Professor of Physics, Winona State University, Minnesota

L. Hu
PhD 2007, Postdoctoral fellow, NIH

P. Rowghanian
PhD 2013, Postdoctoral fellow, University of California Santa Barbara

J. Smrek
PhD 2015, Postdoctoral fellow, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Germany

C. Sandford
PhD 2017,